
Monday, April 9, 2012

Confessions of a Craftaholic

Happy Monday everyone!

Many of you may have noticed that I have been mainly doing print and cut or vinyl with my sweet Cam.  There is a good reason why this has been happening.  As of right now my husband and I are renting a little old house from my Grandma.  Currently our nice computer, printer, and office desk reside upstairs so that my husband is able to do his homework and what not.

Well, when I got Cam I decided the best place for him was by our super nice computer and printer.  This has been an issue as all of my craft supplies are in a room in our basement.  hmmm... This means I have to run up and down the stairs to get supplies or bring a whole bunch of supplies upstairs to crowd my dining table.   I have talked about how inconvenient it is to craft to the hubs but he is not really willing to let the computer move downstairs to the crafts.  And in all reality I can see why.  Therefore, I have been doing a whole LOT of print and cut and vinyl because those are the few items I have upstairs by Cam and my computer.  Yes, I go for convenient.  Sigh...  I finally decided this weekend that I was going to make some cards without using print and cut.  I lugged a whole lot of paper and supplies up the stairs and made a big ol' mess on my dining room table so that I could craft using layers of beautiful paper.  Man, I sure made a mess but it was sooo worth it!  I have really missed making cards like that.  I was able to get two cards done, which I will be posting later this week. 

As for now here is a little sneak peek of a print and cut project I will be posting later.

1 comment:

  1. just think of all the jelly beans you burn off running up and down those stairs:-) cannot wait to see your project - love it already by the sneak peek!
