
Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Baby Shower Invites

Isn't it Friday yet? This week seems to be taking forever and I had Monday off from work. Yikes! We were able to celebrate my hubby's Birthday on Monday and it was sure a lot of fun. Always love Birthday's! Well, my sister-in-law is throwing a baby shower and she was unsure what to do about inviatations. I volunteerd right away because it would be fun and easy to do with Cam! Yay!!! They turned out pretty cute! I blacked out some of the inforamtion like the address, contact info, last name, etc. You can get the picture though. So fun!
I will post more information and details later so check back.


  1. What a fun and creative invite!

  2. Your invitations are adorable! Nice of you to volunteer--Pat N.

  3. Your invitations are so dang cute. You're a darling for volunteering to make all of the invites. Thanks for sharing.

  4. Stopping by to say Hi. You haven't posted in a while. I hope everything is okay:)
